Pull Up A Seat For The Supernatural Film ‘Dinner With The Alchemist’ This February

January 25, 2018

Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of HorrorFuel.com. She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email: horrorfuelinfo@gmail.com

Pull up a seat for Dinner with the Alchemist, the supernatural drama based on the true events surrounding a series of murders in turn-of-the-century New Orleans.

Starring Dan Istrate as Jacques St. Germaine, the wealthy Alchemist (Alias, 96 Souls, Drakul), Dionne Audain as voodoo priestess Marie Laveu ( I Love Dick, Lemon, How To Get Away With Murder ), and Megan Graves as Mary, the orphan (House of CardsAll Our Yesterdays: Past Is Prologue, Chris and Carol), and with an original musical score by composer John Pscitello (Becoming Bond, The Short Game, Unseen Enemy ), Dinner with the Alchemist weaves a tale filled with “historical facts and imaginative storytelling into a salacious, mysterious supernatural drama of murder and mayhem in the French Quarter.” 
The film hails from the husband and wife team of Kevin Good (director) and Jenna St. John’s (writer/producer/actress) and is set to be released on Video On Demand and Digital on February 13, 2018. 

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