April 28, 2017

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

For horror fans who just can’t get enough demon ousting and supernatural hijinks, American Exorcism is yet another exorcist film being released this year. Hitting Video on Demand in May, the Tripp Weathers directed film tells the story of Damon Richter “who thought he left the world of possessions, exorcisms, and evil behind until an old friend arrives with frightening information about his estranged daughter knowing that only his otherworldly skills can save her.”
Pretty standard stuff as far as exorcisms go, and without so much as a trailer to go on, that’s all the info we got until the film is released. Still, as Tom Petty once crooned, “She was an American girl.” Not sure if the lady in Mr.Petty’s song had green skin and puked pea soup over everyone, but hey, you gotta take what you can get.

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