Director Ryûhei Kitamura, who brought Clive Barker’s Midnight Meat Train to life, is back with the new blood-drenched horror film The Price We Pay. In the film, starring Emile Hirsch (Into the Wild) and Stephen Dorff (Blade), after an intense holdup at a...
Among its many offerings this year, Blood in the Snow Film Festival serves up some fine new horror short-shorts hailing from Canada. Here are reviews of three of them. The Cradle Rich in brooding atmosphere, writer/director Massimo Meo’s The Cradle sets the tone with...
AlieNation Director Ray Raghavan’s AlieNation (Canada, 2022) finds a young girl named Maria (Maria Frazer) and her mother (Margarita Iturriaga) being chased through the woods by border patrol agents who aren’t shy about using their guns. Maria makes an astounding...
Canada’s Blood in the Snow Film Festival (BITS) presents another exciting hybrid version serving up homegrown horror features and shorts both on the big screen and online from November 21 – 26, 2022. Toronto’s Isabel Bader Theatre will host the live screenings,...
Canada’s Blood in the Snow Film Festival, which runs in Toronto from November 18–23, 2021, features a jaw-dropping array of homegrown horror and horror-comedy features and shorts. Following are reviews of three of the short films that screen at the festival. Giant...