"The Boys," the hit Amazon Prime series known for its dark humor and explosive superhero takedowns, is coming to an...
Amazon Prime Articles
SPN’s Jensen Ackles Stars in New Series “Countdown” From Creator of “Chicago Fire”
Jensen Ackles ("Supernatural," "The Boys") leads the cast of Prime Video's new series, "Countdown." The series is from...
“Like A Dragon: Yakuza” Series Adaptation Coming to Prime Video
The summer has just begun, and Prime Video is already heating up. We've got some hot news for gaming and TV fans! Hot...
Is This the End of Ad-Free Streaming Services?
While Amazon Prime continues to add exciting titles and originals like the upcoming series "Malice" starring David...
Psychological Thriller ‘River of Ghosts’ Out Now on Prime Video
River of Ghosts, a 2024 psychological thriller directed by Jules East, delves into the murky depths of the human...
Cast Announced for Prime Video’s New Thriller Series “Malice”
David Duchovny, Jack Whitehall, and Carice van Houten are set to lead the cast of "Mailce," the new upcoming...
‘Trunk’ Gears Up to Unleash Thrills and Chills on Prime
Hold your breath and buckle up, genre fans! Prime Video is kicking it into high gear this month with the global...
A Child Goes Missing And Dark Secrets Surface In ‘Life of Belle’ (Trailer)
On July 18, 2018, innocence was lost - and a town forever scarred. Eight-year-old Annabelle Starnes vanished without a...
Watch: New Year’s Eve Horror Movies Where The Party Takes A Deadly Turn
As the clock ticks closer to midnight and champagne chills, a sinister undercurrent bubbles beneath the festive...
Kane Hodder Stars In ‘Paralyzed By Fear’ – Out Now On Prime Video
Brace yourself for chills from beyond the grave because the indie horror film Paralyzed With Fear has crawled onto...
Stitches: The First Ever Sock Puppet Horror Movie Premieres On Prime Video
Calling all fans of the bizarre and the hilarious! Stitches, the first-ever feature-length sock puppet horror-comedy,...
Customers Are Pissed: Prime Video Adding Commercials To Their Service
Brace yourselves, Prime members, because your ad-free bingeing days are numbered. Amazon's long-dreaded email dropped,...