Prepare for a new season of hair-raising investigations as Zak Bagans, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, and Jay Wasley...
Discovery Plus Articles
“Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch’ Returns For New Season on Discovery
The Ollinger family explores ancient secrets about what lies beneath their land and embarks further into the unknown...
Zak And The Crew Kick Off New Season With Special “Ghost Adventures: Devil Island”
Paranormal investigators Zak Bagans, Aaron Goodwin, Jay Wasley, and Billy Tolley are on the hunt again, exploring new...
Travel Channel And Discovery+ Highlights And Premieres January 16-29, 2023
CONCURRENT PREMIERES: Travel Channel and discovery+ KINDRED SPIRITS NEW SEASON – Premieres Friday, January 20...
Paranormal Highlights: Travel Channel And Discovery January 16-29
KINDRED SPIRITS NEW SEASON – Premieres Friday, January 20 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Travel Channel and Streaming on...
Your December Guide To Paranormal Series On Travel Channel & Discovery+
This December, Travel Channel and discovery+, is unleashing new seasons and new episodes of their hit series,...
ID Announces November Premiere Of Two True Crime Series
ID, the #1 television network for true crime, is making Wednesday nights killer, announcing premiere dates for two...
Travel Channel And Discovery+ Paranormal Highlights 11/21 – 12/4
CONCURRENT PREMIERES: Travel Channel and discovery+ DESTINATION FEAR NEW SEASON – Premieres Friday, November 25 at 9...
“Destination Fear” Returns With An All New Season
Paranormal explorers Dakota Laden, Chelsea Laden, Tanner Wiseman, and Alex Schroeder level up their fear experiment in...
ID Debuts Chilling First Look At ‘The Freeway Killer: Lost Murder Tapes”
In the Summer of 1979, bodies of young boys and men started showing up that were sexually assaulted, mutilated and...
“The Ghost Brothers” Are Back For A Haunting New Season (Trailer)
The Ghost Brothers are back on the haunt with the much anticipated second season of "Ghost Brothers: Lights Out" on...
Things Get Spooky This “Ghostober” With Two New Series And A Special From Eli Roth
This Ghostober, acclaimed director Eli Roth is delivering more hours of his quintessential brand of horror and mayhem...