Things Heating Up At The Bates Motel

April 11, 2016


Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

Since there was a week long hiatus between episode 4 and episode 5 of Bates Motel on A&E lets catch up where we left off. It seems like forever since the last episode. There have been some major events for the Bates, but that’s nothing unusual.

Norma and Sheriff Alex Romero are such a cute couple in their obviously fake marriage. It may be legal but those two will never make it work, will they? It does seem they are getting closer despite what they may want to happen. Unfortunately it seems someone broke into the Bates home while Norma and Alex were out at a town function. Of course this happens just as things are going well for them.

The DEA is getting suspicious of Alex’s “associate” at the bank even though he claims to know her only from bank business. He is also hiding money in the basement Norman used for his taxidermy. The Bob Paris thing isn’t over yet.


Emma is recovering nicely from her lung transplant so far. She tells Dylan her father thinks they should move to Seattle where the best respiratory hospital is located. Then she asks Dylan if he would think about coming with her. There is no question there.


Norman what have you done now? After telling his doctor he thinks his mother has killed people after being otherwise unresponsive to therapy, he escapes the mental hospital with his new friend Julian. They go to a strip club nearby. Having never been to one before and being Norman, he is pretty uncomfortable. A brawl breaks out between Julian and the bouncers. Norman gets involved. Julian is taken to the hospital for a broken rib while Norman’s doctor comes to pick him up. Based on the final scene of episode 4 Norman may actually respond to help finally, but we’ll see.

I hope that Dylan moves with Emma, away from the Bates. Norma and Alex have similar problems and although the marriage may not work out they are good for each other at this point. Norman, I would have had him locked up well before it got to this. Finally, whose earring was that by the so called pool that’s now being filled in? We’ll see tonight; on A&E at 9 p.m.

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