Picture it, Kyoto, 1949. A ratty hermit enters a renowned Karate tournament held by Japan's Karate masters and...
Foreign Articles
Dark Nights Film Fest Brings Monsters, Maniacs, and Mystery to Sydney
The inaugural Dark Nights Film Fest takes place in Sydney, Australia in October, with a droolworthy lineup of fright...
Dead And SudBuried Serves Up Classic and Cutting Edge Fear Fare
From male strippers battling the occult to an invisible dinosaur wreaking gory havoc, the U.K.’s Dead And SudBuried...
Tsunami-Inspired Supernatural Thriller ‘Last Shadow at First Light’ Set for US Release
In Last Shadow at First Light, haunted by recurring apparitions and a natural disaster, sixteen-year-old Ami (Mihaya...
Spoiler-Free Reviews: MEMBERS CLUB and THE DEAD THING (Pigeon Shrine FrightFest)
MEMBERS CLUB Official synopsis: Wet Dreams, a middle-aged male stripper group have hit rock bottom. After a string of...
Spoiler-Free Reviews: AN TAIBHSE (THE GHOST) and BROKEN BIRD (Pigeon Shrine FrightFest)
AN TAIBHSE (THE GHOST) Writer/director John Farrelly’s excellent Irish chiller An Taibhse (The Ghost; 2024) — the...
Neo Noir Thriller ‘The Other Laurens’ Now in Theaters
Yellow Veil Pictures' critically acclaimed French neo-noir The Other Laurens is heading your way. The stylish and...
The Sinister Six: A Half-Dozen Horrors Recommended for Pigeon Shrine FrightFest
London’s Pigeon Shrine FrightFest kicks off on Thursday, August 22 and runs through Monday, August 26, with 69 ...
Movie Review: High Crime (1973) – Blue Underground 4K/Blu-ray/CD combo
After losing the chief suspect in an extensive drug deal (following an absolutely batshit chase sequence that begins...
Movie Review: Demons and Demons 2 – Synapse 4K
Somethin’ monstrous is going down at the Metropol, a renovated theater holding a screening of a fright film involving...
Box Set Review: Danza Macabra Vol. 3 – Severin Blu-ray
Remember way back to like last week (approx.) when I put a revoltin’ review upon Severin’s second collection of...
Spoiler-Free Reviews: ELECTROPHILIA and ASTRO NOTS (Fantasia 2024)
Electrophilia (Los Impactados) Argentinian feature Electrophilia touches on body horror and eroticism involving...