Trailers Articles

‘Speak No Evil’ Director Discusses the Film in New Featurette

Blumhouse’s psychological thriller Speak No Evil opens in theaters this September and promises a terrifying descent into madness. What begins as a seemingly idyllic weekend getaway for an American family turns into a living nightmare. Things turn...

‘Hold Your Breath’ Trailer Sees Sarah Paulson Haunted by A Killer

"American Horror Story" star Sarah Paulson is stepping back into the 1930s for the horror thriller Hold Your Breath, set in Oklahoma during the devastating Dust Bowl era. The trailer reveals a chilling, gritty story about a mother's drive and...

New Movie Seeks to Uncover ‘Who Killed Angel Adams?’

The unsolved murder of a young woman, haunts a terrified community in the chilling new thriller Who Killed Angel Adams?  The film, written and directed by Clive Christopher, follows Detective Byrd (Darren Burch) and Rockin Robin (Robin Coté) as...

Travis Kelce Introduces Ryan Murphy’s “Grotesquerie” Trailer

Prepare to be horrified by the first trailer for Ryan Murphy's latest horror series, "Grotesquerie," which follows a detective coping with her demons while hunting for a brutal killer. The series stars Niecy Nash as Detective Lois Tyron. It follows...