Prepare to be horrified by the first trailer for Ryan Murphy's latest horror series, "Grotesquerie," which follows a...
FX Articles
The Alien Universe Expands with the FX Series “Alien: Earth”
Alien: Romulus has just landed in theaters. However, it is not the only Alien project fans can look forward to. Noah...
Ryan Murphy’s “Grotesquerie” Gets a Neon-Lit Trailer Ahead of Premiere
Ryan Murphy is back with a new horror series, "Grotesquerie." The series, set to haunt audiences this September, stars...
“American Horror Story: Delicate” Returns This Spring
Fans of FX's chilling anthology series "American Horror Story" rejoice! The highly anticipated second part of season...
Spoiler Free Review: The “Shogun” Series Is a Must See
"Shōgun" has now premiered, and I have to say I'm thrilled. Unfortunately, the series is being overlooked, which is...
Ryan Murphy Reunites with Niecy Nash-Betts for New Horror Series “Grotesquerie”
Prolific television producer Ryan Murphy, known for his chilling anthology series "American Horror Story," has...
“American Horror Story: Delicate: Part 2” Conjures Premiere Date
The chilling anthology series "American Horror Story" is back on track with the return of "American Horror Story:...
“What We Do In The Shadows” Ending After Season Six
All good things must come to an end. And according to Vulture, that is true even for the Emmy-nominated vampire comedy...
FX Unveils Trailer For Series “A Murder At The End Of The World”
FX has just released the trailer for their upcoming thrilling murder mystery series, "A Murder at the End of the...
‘Babadook’ Star Joins FX’s Upcoming “Alien” TV Series
Fans of the Alien franchise are in for a treat. Not only is Fede Alvarez making a new movie, but the franchise is also...
Sink Your Fangs Into The “What We Do In The Shadows” Season Five Trailer
Sink your fangs into the new trailer for the fifth season of FX's hit series "What We Do in the Shadows," ahead of its...
Amazing Horror Series You Might Have Missed (Part I)
Every year, a massive number of series premiere, with 270 premiering just last year alone on TV and streaming...