Gear up for a chilling descent into the underworld. Pandemonium, a French macabre tale that has just premiered on...
Arrow Video Articles
Arrow Unleashes Classics, Horror Gems, And More This March
Calling all cult film enthusiasts and horror aficionados! ARROW is revving for March with a diverse lineup guaranteed...
Arrow Announces “Shocktober 31” Schedule
Arrow has now announced their spooky "Shocktober 31" line-up featuring new classics and old favorites. October...
ARROW Announces Killer March Line-up (2023)
As always, ARROW offers classic and cutting-edge cinema with a killer March 2023 lineup, including kick-ass films from...
Banned Titles And Mutant Beasts: We’ve Got Your September Guide To Arrow
ARROW Offers Classic and Cutting Edge Cult Cinema this September with a lineup that includes Shocking Dark, The House...
Arrow Turns Up The Heat This July With New And Classic Movies (Guide)
Arrow is turning up the heat this July with many new releases, and we've got the schedule, so you don't miss...
Out Now: Horror Comedy ‘Laguna Ave.’ Follows One Man’s “Mystical Misadventures”
Following its hit festival run, including its world premiere at Frightfest, “Cult Classic of the Future” LAGUNA AVE....
Arrow Announces Thrilling June Lineup Of Movies & More
Arrow Video has just announced the June 2022 lineup of its new subscription-based ARROW platform, available to...
The Puppet Master Franchise & More Streaming On Arrow This May
Arrow Video has just announced its killer May 2022 lineup for their new subscription-based ARROW platform,...
Arrow Video Offers Up A Killer April Lineup (Guide)
This April, ARROW offers classics and cutting edge cult cinema, including films packed with horrors, gallons of Grind...
Arrow Announces Chilling March 2022 Lineup
ARROW has just announced the chilling March 2022 lineup of its subscription-based platform, available to...
Dive Into ‘Hotel Poseidon’ Now Streaming On Arrow
ARROW has just released Stefan Lernous' Hotel Poseidon, which screened at the Fantasia International Film...