A young girl's world turns dark in The Man in the White Van, a chilling thriller inspired by true events. Premiering...
Thriller Articles
College Thriller ‘The Line’ Sees Alex Wolff Join a Fraternity
This October, writer-director Ethan Berger aims to school you on chills and thrills with The Line. This gripping...
Action-Packed Thriller ‘The Killer’s Game’ Hits Digital
Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride as The Killer's Game hits digital platforms. Based on the acclaimed novel...
‘Speak No Evil’ Has Come Home
Blumhouse’s psychological thriller Speak No Evil opened in theaters this September and is now available at home and...
She Will Fear: New ‘Presence’ Trailer Teases a Terrifying Film
From filmmaker Steven Soderbergh, the brilliant mind behind films like Erin Brockovich and Contagion, comes the new...
Movie Review: The Creature (1977) – Severin Blu-ray
Christina (Ana Belén) has it all, she lives a comfortable life with her husband Marcos (Juan Diego), the host of a...
Movie Review: Intensely Independent: The Micro-Budget Films of Blake Eckard – Synapse DVD
Intensely Independent: The Micro-Budget Films of Blake Eckard could easily be titled Fucked-Up Families… but then you...
Dark Secrets Surface, Unleashing Chaos in the Trailer for Apple TV’s “Disclaimer”
Get ready for your next series addiction! Apple TV+ has dropped the trailer for its highly anticipated series,...
Chilling Thriller ‘Blink Twice’ is Out Now
The edge-of-your-seat thriller Blink Twice has just come home and is now available on VOD. Hot off the heels of his...
Horror-Thriller ‘Clawfoot’ Scores UK Release Date Following US Debut
Director Michael Day's new horror thriller, Clawfoot, combines chills, thrills, and dark humor to create a film you...
Cyber Horror Thriller ‘Red Rooms’ Now in Select Theaters
Utopia’s critically acclaimed psychological cyber-horror movie Red Rooms is now in select theaters. Writer-director...
Movie Review: Flesh of the Unforgiven (2024)
Author-type Jack Russo (writer/director Joe Hollow) has got it tough all over… he’s got writer’s block like a mother...