In 2015 the horror world was wonderfully blown away by a collection of terrifying stories by Kasey Pierce. This collection was met with awe and excitement selling out in a mere two days. Now it returns in a new and expanded version! This new version will include two brand new stories as well as new art by comic artist Ryan Lee and others.
Pierce has accompanied many of her stories with short films and ideally, she wants to do an anthology film of her stories narrated by horror icon Dirk Manning on commentary. “If we can get to $3,000, we’re not only going to edit them all together in one video.”
“If you’re already a fan of Kasey’s, this will be the definitive “bookshelf” piece of her early career, and if you’re new to her work, you couldn’t ask for a better jumping on point! Get yours now and help us get these beautiful books printed and out into the world!”
You do not want to miss out on this limited time piece of horror treasure. “This new version is going to be available in a LIMITED EDITION, SIGNED/NUMBER, HARDCOVER in a SLIPCASE directly from this Kickstarter!”