If today is Wednesday, that can mean only one thing my Little Monsters…well, it can mean other things too. But you all know what I’m getting at; it’s that day when we shed a little light on yet another wonderful Woman of Horror. And as you have already seen today our lucky lady (or are we the lucky ones, huh, huh?) is Caroline Williams.
Caroline is a product of Texas, and was born in Rusk County on the Eastern side of the state. Her first part, albeit a small one, was as a pageant contestant in Michael Ritchie’s satirical pageant comedy from 1975, Smile. But it would be a full ten years before Caroline would return to the big screen, co-starring alongside Ed Harris and Amy Madigan in the film, Alamo Bay.
Over the next year she would appear in four more films, but there was one in particular that would establish Caroline as an iconic Woman of Horror. In 1986 Tobe Hooper brought Leatheface back to the big screen in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2, and it would be on that big screen that horror fans would be introduced to the character of Vanita ‘Stretch’ Brock. Caroline won this role by auditioning in the most wonderfully insane fashion. It’s said that before going into the casting office to meet with Hooper and L.M. Kit Carson, Caroline took off screaming down the hall, ran into to the office, dragged the men from their chairs and proceeded to barricade the door with said chairs. She then hunkered down in the corner of the casting office, while reciting a brief bit of “Strech’s” dialogue. That’s one hell of a way to get the director’s attention.
In the years since The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2, Caroline would find that starring in such a genre film would not cause her to be pigeon holed as an actress, nor would it limit her opportunities across other genres in movies or on television. But thankfully for us horror fans, nearly one third of her acting credits are in the horror genre. AND about 75% of them have come in the last decade. Now if that doesn’t show a renewed dedication to the genre, I don’t know what would.
Actually, now that I think of it, that’s not completely true. Caroline also shows a g great amount of love for the genre by appearing at horror conventions, thus giving her the opportunity to meet and talk with fans of said genre and her work within it.
I had the opportunity to meet Caroline briefly at two different conventions, and on both occasions she was an absolute firecracker, as one may expect from having just glimpsed her smile. . Caroline was not only sweet, kind and whip smart, but also as lovely as ever. I don’t mind saying that her smile is even more adorably devilish in person. I suggest that any opportunity you Little Monsters may get to meet her is an opportunity you absolutely must jump at.
So far as I know, Caroline most recently appeared in Sharknado 4: The Fourth Awakens and the remake of Herchel Gordon Lewis’ classic, Blood Feast. She will also soon be appearing in Fantasma and Greenlight, which are both currently in post-production.
As per usual, we have reached that point when I tell you all, that there is definitely more to be learned about this week’s wonderful Woman of Horror. For info on upcoming film or television project one need only turn to Caroline’s official IMDb page. Or if you so wish, follow Caroline at either her Facebook or Twitter page. For that matter, why not follower on both sites? so until next time my Little Monsters, in the immortal words of Francis “Chainsaw” Gremp, from Summer School, “hasta luego, Placido Domingo”.
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