June is here, and Days of the Dead is nearly upon us. IS nearly upon us? Yes my Little Monsters, I know it sounds grammatically incorrect, but it’s not…trust me. The reason why it is, in fact, correct is because I happen to be referring to a singular event, the annual horror convention that will be returning to Indianapolis at the end of June. Of course since it’s a three day event, I could refer to it in the plural form…but let’s not get hung up on semantics.
Days of the Dead will officially kick off the weekend’s festivities at 5 PM Friday June 30th and run through Sunday July 2nd. As per usual, the fine folks at Days of the Dead will make it possible for fans to meet genre icons and mingle with fellow horror junkies. The banner above may whet your appetite with the likes of the creator of the Living Dead himself, George Romero, as well as Dee Snider, Matthew Lillard, wrestling legend Sting and the O.G. Godzilla himself, Naruo Nakajima. Now if you’re looking to truly start drooling, just head on over to the DotD official convention page.
There will also be a bevy of vendors on hand flogging all manner of horror and sci-fi related wares. Also, for any con-goers looking for cool artwork, there will also likely be numerous talented artists selling prints, posters, sculptures, masks or what have you. I happen to know for a fact that my friend, artist Jack Chattox, is going to have a booth where he will be selling prints and other bad-ass artistic renderings.
BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Friday June 30th at 10:00 PM, The Casket Creatures will play an opening night show, with free addmission to all convention ticket holders who wish to attend the performance. There are many other events taking place over the rest of the weekend such as the F/X Makeup Challenge, the CHAOSTUME SHOWDOWN, That Damn Tattoo Contest and the JABB Pictures 48 Hour Film Festival to name a few. Of course if any of you come sailing into town a day early and are looking to “pre-game” the night before the con, there’s the Days of the Dead Pre-Party at Kuma’s Corner.
Now I could just give a comprehensive list of who will be there and what’s going on at DotD, but with just over four weeks until zero hour, more guests and events could be added. Besides, isn’t it more fun to pour over the pages and discover some of this information for yourselves? Yeah, I knew you’d agree. To find current information and potential updates go to the official Days of the Dead page or follow them at their Facebook page.
On a final not, my Little Monsters, should you see a bloke wearing a HorrorFuel t-shirt, it’s most likely me. I’ll be on hand covering the event, and by way of the generosity of my editor…I may have some goodies to hand out.
So if you’ve waited this long and haven’t gotten your ticket(s)…GO…GO NOW! Get your tickets while you are still able to order them at a discounted pre-show rate, and don’t forget to check on photo-op tickets as well. And maybe, just maybe…I’ll see you there?
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