“The Shape of Water” Get’s Theatrical Release December 1rst

October 31, 2017

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

Despite being having of cinema’s most unique and wonderful minds, Guillermo Del Toro has had some rotten luck in recent years getting his projects off the ground. “Pacific Rim 2”? Given to another director. “Hellboy 3”? Unceremoniously rebooted. “The Hobbit” series? Well, del Toro had the good sense to quit that steaming heap himself.
All his work is not for naught however, as his new film, “The Shape of Water” has been absolutely swimming in critical praise.

     Starring a Sally Hawkins mute woman with a kink for gills, “The Shape of Water” is a unique love story, between two outcasts of society, one of whom just so happens to live underwater.
     For anyone worried this sounds like some kind of mushy gushy disney film, have no fear; the MPAA has rated the film R for “sexual content, graphic nudity, violence and language.”  Del Toro is known for his rather twisted and beautiful takes on fantasy settings (if you haven’t seen “Pan’s Labyrinth” you REALLY need to see “Pan’s Labyrinth”) and “The Shape of Water” looks to be his next masterpiece.
    Rather or not this will be the film that finally gets del Toro to the A-list status he deserves (and god knows he deserves it) is something we’ll have to see for ourselves come December 1rst.

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