Troy James terrified audiences with his contortion routine on “Showtime at the Apollo” that went viral. James has the ability to contort his body into unnatural positions, but there’s more, he is able to run and jump while in the “crabwalk” stance making fans of horror wanting him to be in movies.
Well, Troy has done work for the series “The Strain”, “Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments” and even appeared in a Japanese commercial for business suits that stretch for comfort. Now Troy will be entering the world of comic book villainy as Rag Doll, a contortionist villain in the comic book series “The Flash”.

Rag Doll how he looked in the ’40s
Rag Doll is a contortionist criminal who disguises himself as toys (more notably literal ragdolls). His appearance over the years including his abilities have changed (as the role of Rag Doll was passed down from Father to son), he now looks like a harlequin type doll with long red dreadlock looking hair and not only can he contort but he can also hypnotize people.

Keep an eye out for Troy James as Ragdoll on the 5th season of “The Flash”!
Bonus feature: Troy’s commercial from Japan!