On May 31st at the Riverside Theater in Milwaukee, a concert being performed by the Swedish metal band Ghost abruptly stopped after a fan collapsed in the audience, ending the show in order to allow medical aid to be administered to the fallen fan. Sadly, concertgoer Jeff Fortune passed away.
A GoFundMe was set up to help raise money for Fortune’s family but an unlikely helping hand emerged from the aether, Cardinal Copia (Tobias Forge) himself. Ghost wanted to not only give back to their fans from the sold-out night that did not get a chance to see the show end but to finish the show for Fortune.
To have a show finished by your favorite band in your name is not only awesome but an honor and in typical Ghost fashion, the show at Riverside Theater will be held Halloween night. Fans who were present at the May 31st show have till September 30th to RSVP this special event.
Ghost took it a step further to pay tribute to their fallen fan, not only with a show but by also immortalizing him on a t-shirt with the band’s frontman Cardinal Copia (Tobias Forge), both dressed like Michael Myers from the “Halloween” movies. Proceeds from the sales of the shirt will go directly to Fortune’s family.
Horrormeister: John Carpenter Concert Coming to New York!
John Carpenter, the absolute legend of film and music, is bringing his "HORRORMEISTER" show to New York this October....