New ‘Mortal Shell’ Trailer And Release Information

June 15, 2020

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

Mortal Shell had a busy weekend as more information and content was released at IGN, PCGaming Show, and Fextralife. To cap off the busy weekend, Cold Symmetry released a new trailer that focuses on one of the four playable shells players will find in the game, Tiel, an angry complex character with agility and poison skills.





It’s been announced that Mortal Shell will be an Epic Games Store exclusive for a limited time and can be preordered now for PC as a closed BETA will be available July 3rd, players can register for the BETA at the Mortal Shell Discord.  The game will be shipped to STEAM in Q3 of 2021.





Mortal Shell will launch fully on Epic Games along with PlayStation 4, and Xbox One Q3 of 2020 as planned.



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