Check Out The New ‘House Of Ashes’ And ‘Jurassic World Evolution 2’ Trailers

August 25, 2021

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

Bandai Namco released the latest trailer today for the third installment of their Dark Pictures Anthology series titled House of Ashes that takes players underground in Iraq where American and Iraqi forces are trapped and being hunted by a monstrous presence. If fans watch closely, they may find a clue in the trailer that will lead them to a special website with secrets and lore!
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes will be coming out October 22nd, Pre-Orders are now available for PC, Xbox One and Series X/S, PlayStation 4 and 5, and PC.

If being stuck underground with something that can kill you, maybe building your own Jurassic Park is more your speed! Not only is the park building simulation game Jurassic World Evolution 2 showing off a new trailer, but they also have a release date as well! The game takes place after the events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and has you building parks on the US mainland now where there are more building options and dinosaurs to show off to the paying public!
Jurassic World Evolution 2 will be opening its gates on November 9th for Xbox One and series X/S, PlayStation 4 and 5, and PC.

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