Bruce Campbell Talks Ash VS Evil Dead Season 2

June 24, 2016

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG
Matt Klitscher/Starz

Matt Klitscher/Starz

Bruce Campbell talked up IGN recently dishing on the 2nd season of STARZ channel’s continuation of the Evil Dead franchise, Ash VS Evil Dead. During the interview Campbell teased next season’s storyline will follow “Ash going home and seeing the personal side of him..”. The way Campbell is describing the next season and the way last season went, I’m pretty excited.

“Season 2 for me is all about Ash going home and seeing the personal side of him. No one knew anything about Ash, where he lived, what he was like.” Bruce continued with his interview with IGN “Ash was like a teacher: you’d see him at school, but if you saw him out of school you’d feel weird. Whenever I saw a teacher out of school, I felt was weird; I never liked it. But now we’re going home. We’re following the teacher home from school.”

Ash producer Rob Tapert say the new season will be “far bigger and more ambitious” than season 1. Season 1 followed the life of Ash Williams as he stupidly read from the Necronomicon and unleashed Deadites unto the world once again.

Lucy Lawless, who played the writer of the necronomicon last season, is said to return to her character this upcoming season, with even more to do with the storyline than ever before.


PRE-ORDER Ash VS Evil a Dead now on DVD and BLU-RAY


Ash VS Evil Dead returns on Starz September 23rd


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