Two teenage boys, with hopes of music stardom,unknowingly raise an ancient entity, known as “The Blind One”. They have no clue about the chaos that is about to ensue. Now the guys, along with help from their friends, must fight to survive.
What do you get when you mix horror, Heavy Metal, and comedy? Pure awesomeness. ‘Deathgasm’ is a fun ride with tons of action and gore.
‘Deathgasm’ is the brain child of writer/director Jason Lei Howden, who also worked on the film ‘Avengers’. The cast, that makes this movie so much fun, is made up of Milo Cawthorne (Blood Punch), James Blake (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey), Kimberly Crossman (Power Rangers Samurai), Sam Berkley (Jake), Daniel Cresswell (Henchmen), Delaney Tabron (Cry Wolf) and Colin Moy (Emperor), among others.
‘Deathgasm’ is already out on DVD and VOD.