Operation Blood Hunt, a thrilling new World War II-era horror movie from actor-director Louis Mandylor and writer Brandon Slagle, is out now. The film follows a group of military rejects and a seasoned occult expert who set out on a mission. They are tasked with...
The highly anticipated sequel, The Platform 2, is out now on Netflix! The sequel to the 2020 hit, The Platform, sees the return of Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia to the director’s chair. The first film revealed a cruel and brutal vertical prison where inmates are sentenced to...
Vampires, werewolves, and ghosts, oh my. It’s officially spooky season, and a horde of great movies are being released. One movie that should be at the top of your watch list this week is Gary Dauberman and MAX’s new adaptation of Stephen King’s...
Get ready for another captivating series from the brilliant and twisted mind of Ryan Murphy. FX has officially ordered “The Beauty,” an adaptation of the acclaimed 2016 horror comic from Image Comics. This new series is part of Murphy’s overall deal...
Following an impressive festival run, including a nomination for Best Pictures at Sitges, Spanish director F. Javier Gutierrez’s chilling film The Wait (aka La Espera) is out today. This folk horror features a stellar cast, including Victor Clavijo (Before the Fall),...