The psychological thriller ‘The Boy’, follows 9-year-old psychopath Ted Henley. The movie is set in the summer of 1989. Ted’s father (David Morse) owns The Mountain Vista Motel. Ted’s father has become a shell of a man since Ted’s mother abandoned them, leaving Ted to fend for himself. The arrival of a drifter named William Colby (Rainn Wilson), sets off a disturbing chain of events. Ted has a fascination with William, which leads to the beginning of a unique friendship causing Ted’s fascination with death to only grow.
‘The Boy’ was co-written by Clay McLeod Chapman, based on his novel ‘Miss Corpus’, along with William Macneil, who directed the film. ‘The Boy’ was produced under the flag of Elijah Wood’s company Spectrevision. The cast of the film includes ‘The Office’ actor Rainn Wilson, Jared Breeze, Bill Sage (American Psycho), Zuleikha Robinson (The Following), Mike Vogel (Under the Dome), and David Morse (Horns, WWZ)
Wilson, Vogel, Morse
‘The Boy’ will be coming to select theaters and VOD on August 18th.