The supernatural series Outcast, from Robert Kirkman, the executive producer of The Walking Dead, has announced the addition of six new cast members. According to Deadline the new cast includes Melinda McGraw (Mad Men), David Denman (13 Hours), Grace Zabriskie (The Killing), Cathrine Dent (The Shield), Brent Spiner (Independence Day) and’ The Americans’ star Lee Tergesen.
David Denman
The series, based on the adaption of Kirkman’s graphic novel by the same name, will star Patrick Fugit as the main character Kyle Barnes, a young man in search of answers to why he has suffered from demonic possessions all of his life.
Patrick Fugit
The series also stars Pete Burris (Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2), Lacy Camp (Red Band Society), Julia Crockett (The Absence), Philip Glenister (Demons) and others. ‘Outcast’ will be directed by Adam Wingard. Robert Kirkman will be serving as a writer for the series, which will premier later this year on Cinemax.