The Sci-Fi thriller ‘Dark Peak’ follows a group of hikers on Dark Peak exploring the wreckage of a plane wreck. The group encounters a mysterious force. The only surviving member of the group now must convince his rescuers that there is something very wrong on Dark Peak, before it’s to late.
The most disturbing aspect of ‘Dark Peak’, it is inspired by a true story. Dark Peak, located in Derbyshire, UK, has been dubbed “The Bermuda Triangle of the North West” . Over fifty planes have crashed on the peak in the past thirty years. Today the peak remains littered with pieces of twisted wreckage, which can be seen in the movie.
‘Dark Peak’ was written by Alistair Audsley and co-written and directed by Ben Jagger. Paul Tucker is producing the film for Belief Films, John Adams will produce under the banner of Angry Badger Pictures, who have yet to announce a release date.