Gravitas Ventures presents Refuge: American Apocalypse, a post-apocalyptic thriller from Passerby Films and director Andrew Robertson, who took home the award for Best Director from Australia’s Fantastic Planet Film Festival for the film, written by Andrew Robertson and Lilly Kanso.
Refuge documents the struggles of a family fighting to survive in the wake of a mysterious catastrophic event that has brought America to its knees.
Amy Rutberg (Daredevil), Eva Grace Kellner (Boardwalk Empire), Chris Kies (The Blacklist), Carter Roy and Sebastian Beacon star as a group of survivors in a once thriving suburb that has evolved into a chaotic, dangerous area filled with gangs and dwindling resources after a catastrophe. The group has tried to remain hidden but is ultimately discovered. They will soon learn that fighting back has dire consequences.
“I wanted to focus on a family living in isolation.” Director Robertson stated about Refuge.”I feel that if the big societal breakdown ever actually occurs, family will become all that matters…life will be a slow burn, interrupted with bursts of fear and violence.”
Last year Refuge: American Apocalypse was well received at several film festivals including Toronto’s After Dark and Scream Fest and is now available on VOD, and Digital Download.