Cory Feldman (The Lost Boys) is returning to his vampire roots for the upcoming thriller Corbin Nash, directed by Ben Jagger. He has been cast as a cross dressing vampire.
Feldman will star opposite cult icon Malcolm McDowell, who has starred in many films, including 2007’s Halloween. Rutger Hauer, Bruce Davison and Dean S. Jagger will appear along side Feldman and McDowell.
This vampire-noir follows a New York City cop (Jagger) trying to hunt down the man who murdered his parents. His search takes him to Los Angeles, where he meets his untimely demise. He is brought back to life as a deadly killer.
Corbin Nash is the debut feature from StarTree Productions. Todd Grossman, Justin Steele, Matthew Berkowitz, and Carmen Aiello serve as producer, with Richard Wagner as the executive Producer. The script for Corbin Nash was penned by Ben Jagger, Christopher P. Taylor and Dean S. Jagger.
Source: IMDb, Twitter