The Before Time, directed by and co-written by Muller, is now available on Direct TV, Dish Network and iTunes. This found footage horror-thriller from Supernova Films stars Jules Hartley, Phillip Andre Botello, Danielle Baker, Megan Hui, Circus-Szalewski, Danny Arroyo, Sean Patrick McGowan, Ted Jones, Julianne Dowler and Aiden Marus.
When two rival crews head into the desert to shoot a reality show based on a series of murders in the southwest, they discover that truth is not only stranger than fiction, it’s more dangerous. Something wants to keep them from digging deeper and from escaping the desert alive.
Muller co-wrote The Before Time along side Scott Bunt, and Rodrigo Goulart. Sami Aziz, Peter Paul Basler and Shahrook Oomer produced, with Alex Lopes serving as executive producer.