#MTVScream Jeepers Creepers Brands Branson!

July 12, 2016

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG



MTV Scream’s latest episode brought the return and possible exit of Mr. Branson, Bloodshed, murder and mystery. Scream season 2 so far followed the Ghost-faced killer as he/she targets Audry for her sins from last season 2, put a couple cast members on the cutting room floor and all of which while making everybody and anode a suspect. If you remember last season Audry was screened burning letters from Piper during the finale. This episode we get revealed why she was and what’s her connection with the Lakewood Massacre!

So SCREAM opened with Noah adding Audry’s photo to the list of suspects. As Audry stood as a suspect, the killer then targeted Emma, as she got her first call [This kind of makes me weary as to if it was true the killer’s last show-ups were all just figments of Emma’s imagination]. Emma’s now staring from a window trying to pinpoint the caller but she can’t. As she hung the phone up, Keiran is at her front door chatting up her mom on how much he needed to explain himself to Emma. Emma over hears all of this, slightly rekindles with Keiran and then reveals she was targeted for the second time by the killer. With Emma labeled as a mental patient by the police and nowhere to turn, this lead her to Noah’s house for him to shed light on who he suspects the killer is. So Emma is now at Noah’s bedroom door and inside stands Noah and the pinned photo of Audry captioned PRIME SUSPECT to the Lakewood Massacre for all to see on his wall. He dubbed Audry prime suspect because last episode he stole her phone, cracked her passcode and revealed to himself Audry’s secret was she was working with the killer. So as Noah fidgets to hide his suspect board, but Emma soon uncovered and discovered it and is totally baffled and is like “WHY DO YOU THINK ITS HER!” Noah trying not to backstab his friend, keeps his mouth shut [friends to the end eh’ Noah] and just uses the “he had a hunch” theory. Instead of revealing to Emma, he had proof of Audry helping the killer and if he didn’t get the full story of what Audry did and stop her they all could be next on the cutting room floor!

So without Noah revealing all of that, Emma testified Audry’s innocence [until proven guilty]. But here’s where Noah REALLLY f’s up: Emma must’ve gotten to Noah because he gave Audry her phone back. WHY WOULD HE GIVE HER PHONE BACK?! Jeez bro! From there Noah met up with Emma to then try and prove Audry’s innocence and in-turn doing so texts Eddie [the first person that has memory of Piper’s accomplice] a picture of Audry to try and see if she was the one he saw. The killer a couple of episodes ago got pretty knife happy on Eddie so the person that texted back wasn’t him…. So the screen now cuts to a gory shot of Eddie’s rotting corpse and the killer responding to Noah’s text that he has to talk in person with him. While Noah is devising a plan to meet up with Eddie with Emma, Kieran’s aunt sets out for a love connection with the mayor A.K.A Brooke’s dad. While Brooke’s dad is beating Keiran’s aunt off with a stick, Brooke starts making Gustavo her next Jake [which makes sense because the dude this episode was sooo much like Jake] and sends him off on a mission to catch dirt on Branson from his police file [ya’ know cuz’ his dad’s the sheriff]. So Gustavo sneaks into the file room while another fellow classmate waits in line to get questioned..Keiran.


So while Gustavo is doing his thing, Keiran gets called in to reveal whatever he could about his friends. Yeah..so the Sheriff made a cocky remark to Keiran during all of this along the lines of “If your friends came clean last time about their run-ups with the killer your dad would be alive” that lead Keiran to storm out. Which made me kind of laugh how pissed the sheriff looked [HA!]. So Gustavo returns to Brooke with some juicy dirt on Branson. Branson’s dating Ms. Lang, the psych teacher that acts like Piper but is in like 2 episodes. And Lang acts as Branson’s alibi during the time of Jake’s murder.


Then, Brooke slipped back into her old games. And let me tell you, it was awesome, I was freakin’ laughing the entire time! Brooke calls Ms. Lang down to a park bench for a therapy session. Puts on tears and really plays the part so freakin’ Regina George! She tells Ms. Lang she slept with Mr. [Seth] Branson the night Jake got killed [Mr. Branson said he was with Ms. Lang that night, that meant he was with them both.], as Ms. Lang pieces together what happened, she’s like RIPPIN’ p!ssed and calls him up. But during that Brooke was already on the line with him, playing her cat and mouse game. But during THAT Keiran’s aunt and Brooke’s dad seemingly hit it off. He brought her back to his place, poured her a glass of liquor, all was good. That was until Keiran’s aunt leaned in for a kiss from Brooke’s dad from him to only deny her. He then revealed that the only reason she came over with him was because he had a job for her. I HATE this mayor! He’s so freakin’ smug!


So..moving on. We find Emma leaving her house. In the middle of the night. My freakin’ hand dug into the popcorn cuz’ I totally thought she was going to be attacked right then and there. But she wasn’t. She gets into her car and all of sudden she discovers she has a flat tire. Then I’m sitting her thinking “Imagine this is like Wrong Turn’ and the killer put out Bob wire to pop her tires?” so yeah that scene kept having me think, Emma’s survive girl days were numbered. But that my friend was a fake out. Read intently here because I think Audry attacked Noah in the killer’s costume. So Emma calls Noah for help but no avail doesn’t reach him. We now find Noah in front of this carnival waiting for the go ahead by Eddie [but like I said Eddie’s dead], after discovering he hasn’t any service he takes his self-proclaimed go-ahead and walks on inside. There was like crazy mirrors, creepy clowns and an ominous darkness inside that literally screamed “JUMP-scare” which with Noah being the Randy character, felt as well and got the hell out of there! So he gets in his car, for the killer to the jump from behind his seat, put a drugged cloth over Noah’s face and makes him pass-out. So now I’m like “what the f*ck is going on now! Is Noah next?”.


As I recover from Noah’s run-up from the killer, Brooke arrived at her and Branson’s old hook-up spot. As she makes-up with him, rolls around a bit, hand-cuffs and blind-folds him, ya’ know plays that whole sex thing up in-turn making Branson put his guard down. So he’s like laying there hand-cuffed and blindfolded, he doesn’t know what she is going to do next, he’s probably hoping something sexual but got something way more psycho. Brooke pulls a long pair of scissors from a side table, holds them over Branson’s face before she pulled back his blind-fold to reveal to him her true intentions. Carlson Young in one of her best scenes this season interrogated Branson [with not also getting a few slices in between] to reveal where he really was during the night Jake died. He revealed he lied to the police about his alibi to the police. He was in the same hotel room that night waiting for Jake to come up with $10K for him to stay way from Brooke. So as Brooke didn’t believe that story one freakin’ bit, she took the scissors and cut down to his package where she was going to get knife happy if he didn’t reveal the “REAL” truth. As she counted down from 3-1 and no other answer came from Branson’s lips, Brooke believed him and was on her way to Gustavo’s to cool off.


Gustavo, the dude was found in his room, trying on the killer’s mask like it was something for Halloween. Not so smart bro. So he hides the mask, lets Brooke in, puts on a shirt [cuz’ he had no shirt on during this] and acts as a shoulder to cry on for Brooke as she was coming off her near kill high. During this Noah wakes up with a potato sack over his tied to a carnival ride. As he looks around, who’s behind him? Audry! But she’s in the same boat he’s in so she’s not the killer at the moment. But hopefully her sub-plot means something this entire season.


So as Noah babbles they’re both gonna’ die and the only thing left was to tell the truth, he reveals to Audry ALL his evidence tying her to the killer. He revealed he stole her phone, he revealed he seen the gif, everything. As Audry explains, the sound of Emma’s voice brings to reality Audry wasn’t so innocent. She revealed to Noah, Eddie is dead and she’s the one who drugged and tied him to the ride. I’m like “WHAAAT?!” watching this scene and then Audry just gets up after being tied up and is like she faked the whole thing so he wouldn’t think she was a killer. As they’re leaving and team up with Emma with the killer on the property. Anywho so Keiran shows up as hero and alongside Emma, gives a mere Billy and Sid vibe. Who knows maybe Keiran is the killer. As the four make it to safety, everything seems to become ok again. Or Lakewood’s version of ok. I’m kinda surprised the killer didn’t follow them.


Anyway, during this Noah and Audry have a convo that completely explains Audry’s subplot! As Noah started his latest episode for his podcast “The Morgue”, Audry walked in and revealed she brought Piper to Lakewood to do research with her about Brandon James and that’s why the killer is after her. But wait for it, what Audry said was recorded during Noah’s podcast either by mistake or on-purpose. I’ll tell you what, I think Noah is wising up. This entire scene made my freakin’ jaw drop!


But it didn’t stop there! Slasher fans scoot up to the front of your seat cuz’ this sh*t got gory. Remember how I said Brooke went psycho earlier this episode? Well she left Branson in handcuffs that entire time and a certain somebody returned to let him loose. MTV’s Ghost-Face! This got so freakin’ intense! So the killer walks in and plugs in an iron. Then takes his/her knife and cuts Branson’s hand off! THEN takes the iron and brands with it! End credits. I’m literally like :0. What an episode! Tonight’s episode is reported to screen Ms. Lang in a pool of blood seemingly dead and Zoe finding Noah’s recording of Audry’s confession.


What a freakin’ episode bring on season 3!


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