Critically Acclaimed Horror “BASTARD” Hits DVD In The U.K

August 9, 2016

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG


New on DVD in the UK is Bastard, starring Tonya Kay (Get Him To The Creek) alongside Rebekah Kennedy (Season Of The Witch) Burt Culver (The Paper Boat), Ellis Greer (A Small Death)” Dan Creed (Dinner Party) and Will Tranfo (The Creation Of Aspen).

“Five strangers – newlywed serial killers, a suicidal cop, and two runaways – become suspect and victim when a masked murderer makes its presence known in an isolated mountain town”

The film which has been described as a “Truimpth for independent horror” was written by Patrick Robert Young and was directed by Powell Robinson. Both of which are [according to IMDB] a relatively unknown bunch and I frankly applaud them for bringing forth such a critically acclaimed piece.

Look for it on iTunes, Amazon or in stores on DVD in the UK.



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