This May, take a journey to Beacon Point. The highly anticipated sci-fi thriller from Eric Blue will soon arrive on DVD and VOD.
In the film, Zoe has quit her job to hike the Appalachian Trail as a tribute to her deceased father. She joins a small group of inexperienced hikers for an adventure of a lifetime. She is joined by Dan who is recently divorced and looking for a change from Silicon Valley, Cheese, a 17 year old kid, and Brian, and his half brother who have just met. They are led by Drake, a hot headed trail master with a questionable past. The group is upbeat as they set out on the ten day trek through the Great Smokey Mountains, not knowing what lays ahead. Drake leads them away from the main trail and the tourists, promising a grand adventure and sights they’d never see with the standard tour. After a gruesome discovery, they become lost deep in the mountains. The adventure spins out of control and the group becomes terrorized at their campsite by an unseen force.
The film, written by Blue and Traci Carroll, stars Rae Olivier, Jon Briddell, Eric Goins, Jason Burkey, and RJ Shearer.
Beacon Point arrives on VOD on May 2, 2017, followed by its DVD release on July 4 from Uncork’d Entertainment.
Two Women Make a Terrifying Discovery in ‘The Buildout’ Trailer
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