Film maker David Jung Readying R.O.A.M.; a New Dark Sci-Fi Short!

February 1, 2018

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

Writer/Director David Jung (The Possession of Michael King) is preparing to shoot his newest film; a dark sci-fi short titled R.O.A.M. in February. R.O.A.M. details the machinations of the eponymous corporation…and the woman brave enough to stand up to them, while adding a fantastic twist sure to leave lovers of comic book style fantasy well and truly satisfied!
And while the short looks to be on track to being a ton of fun, the marketing behind the film is making the whole affair into an immersive experience, including an incredibly cool website, and trailer:

Pretty damn cool isn’t it my creeps?
If you want to be part of bringing R.O.A.M. to life, you can check out the film’s Kickstarter right here, and in the mean time, here’s a few more tasty bits o’ concept art to tide you over!



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