I’m gonna kick this review of Threads off by telling you up front that this film isn’t a fright flick per se; but it is definitely one of the most horrifying films you will ever lay your putrid peepers on…and I just know that when you hear “made for TV in the 1980’s” you’ll immediately roll your eyes and say “How hardcore could this film be?”. Just trust me, you are in for a mega bumpy time in front of the ol’ tube tonight…
The long and short of Threads goes as follows: the residents of working-class Sheffield, England have a major crisis on their hands, namely someone went right ahead and dropped a nuke in their backyard. What follows is a gritty representation of what would happen if such an event took place including such fun lovin’ hits as; radiation sickness, the complete unraveling of civilization as the years pass, nuclear winter, puke, spontaneous urination, burning corpses…and so very much more…well, that is after seeing our heroes going about their daily lives pre-bomb…you know, so we really get to know and care for them before their skin starts sloughing off and all…and I didn’t even mention the “birthing”…
There’s no other way to put it; Threads is disturbing, terrifying, dark as fuck…and absolutely, undeniably excellent. The cast is astounding, with Karen Meagher, Reece Dinsdale, and David Brierly bring so much believability and gravitas to the film that you will actually forget they are actors…which is aided and abetted by the fact that the story is presented in a docu-drama format (replete with various on screen text warnings of how deadly the world would become after an event like that depicted in the film).
If you are in a serious funk and want to spend even more time in the puppies and rainbows world of Threads the fine fiends over at Severin have included a truly excellent amount of bonus content including: a commentary track featuring Director Mick Jackson and moderated by Author Kier–La Janisse and Severin Films’ David Gregory, interviews with Actress, Karen Meagher, Director of Photography Andrew Dunn, Production Designer Christopher Robilliard, and Author Stephen Thrower. Bringing up the rear is the film’s U.S. Trailer.
If you are in the mood for a (potentially especially these days…) real life horror show that will stick with you long after you watch it then Threads will absolutely blow your mind…it’s one of the most unbelievably upsetting things I’ve ever watched…now excuse me, I’m off to scrub my eyes with Comet…
Movie Review: Monster from the Ocean Floor (1954) – Film Masters Blu-ray
Julie Blair (Anne Kimbell) is a commercial illustrator currently on vacay down in ol' Mexico. While trying to paint...