AMC’s supernatural series “Preacher”, from Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, is approaching its third season. The wild series, based on the graphic novel by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillion, has announced that Adam Croasdell has joined the cast and is set to play a 350-year-old vampire who bears wisdom with an air of aristocracy.
The character, named Eccarius, is regal, suave and is more of the romantic style vamp (think Interview with the Vampire). While he first comes off as a cliché in the beginning, he is far darker than he appears.
Croasdell, who lends his voice to the Final Fantasy gaming franchise, has starred in many series and games including “Reign”, “Bond, James Bond” the series, 2013’s Dead Island Riptide, and Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor.
Two New Clips Tease the Horror-Filled World of “Teacup”
From James Wan's Atomic Monster and series creator Ian McCulloch ("Yellowstone") comes the new series "Teacup." Today,...