In the wise words of Professor Farnsworth:
Fans of the legendary game, “Halo”, can now enjoy the arcade installment in the franchise, “Halo: Fireteam Raven” at Dave & Buster’s locations across the U.S.!
The game, that originally made its world debut in Australia last month, is a co-op experience where players can either play as a team alongside the legendary Master Chief against the Covenant, a joint alien empire, and the dreaded Flood, a zombie-like hoard. Players can also fight against one another.
The booth is seated and sports a 130-inch widescreen, 4K gameplay, and 5.1 surround sound, offering the ultimate “Halo” experience to any fan whether you’re on team UNSC or team Covenant. Me? I’m on team Grunt!

Yes. I’m a fan of the Grunts.