Zombie Comedy ‘One Cut Of The Dead!’ Gnaws It’s Way To Vancouver Film Festival

September 10, 2018

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

From September 27th to October 12th the Vancouver International Film Festival will be showcasing works from filmmakers around the world. Most of the films this year are documentaries dealing with issues in the modern world, fictionalized dramas, and of course avant-garde.

I’m not sure how most of you (the readers) would be into that stuff but one film submission from Japan seems like something you would like! “Kamera Wo Tomeruna! (One Cut of the Dead!)
The film is a Gonzo-style comedy film, the kind of which Japan is known for. Gonzo comedy is over the top, extreme, and sometimes just so strange where you can’t help but laugh at how unreasonable it is.

One Cut of the Dead!” follows a film crew filming a low-budget cheesy zombie flick in a remote area in the mountains. While filming the production and actors encounter a hoard of REAL zombies who start to attack and feed on the crew, the director instead of fighting for survival uses this opportunity to film a real zombie movie.

The film is directed by Ueda Shinichirou and stars Takayuki Hamatsu, Mao, Harumi Shuhama, Kazuaki Nagaya, and Manabu Hosoi.

The film will be shown at the festival on October 6th at the Rio Theatre at 10:45 PM and International Village 9 at 1:30 PM on October 8th.

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