The Unseen, an upcoming invisible man film from director Geoff Redknap (Cabin in the Woods) made its World Premiere at Montreal’s Fantasia Film Festival, this past Summer. Now, The Unseen will soon arrive on DVD and Digital, through United States’ film distributor Monarch Home Entertainment.
Director Redknap says that his influences include H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man: “I did take some ideas from….H.G. Wells’…work” and some of those influences can be seen in the film’s official release trailer which you will find below.
The Unseen stars Aden Young (“Rectify” ) as Bob Langmore. He has a strange condition, in which his body is slowly disappearing. Dissolving away, Bob reaches out to his family with time running out. However, his former wife, Darlene (Camille Sullivan) tells him that his daughter Eva (Julia Sarah Stone) is missing, leading to Bob’s desperate search for a reunion.
Official Synopsis:
A man, who years earlier mysteriously abandoned his family and isolated himself in a small northern town, returns for one last chance to reconnect with his troubled daughter. When she goes missing, he risks everything to find her, including exposing the fact that he is becoming invisible.
Monarch Home Entertainment will release the unrated film in the U.S. on DVD February 26th. The Unseen will also be available in a widescreen format, for film fans.