Book Review: The Necronomnomnom: Recipes and Rites From The Lore Of H. P. Lovecraft (2019)

October 13, 2019

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

When I think of H.P. Lovecraft images of nausea inducing creatures and indescribable madness come to mind… and possibly Jeffrey Combs… definitely not mouth watering cuisine though. Well, someone had the idea those two things should be slapped together and thus The Necronomnomnom was birthed!

Thankfully author Mike Slater and editor Thomas Roache are obviously huge fans of ol’ H to the P and actually present the recipes in a style that reads as a reasonable pastiche of the author’s writing. This creates a Cthulhu sized amount of fun for the reader, even if they aren’t attempting to whip up any of the demonic dishes being described.

Speaking of arcane ambience, this beastly book is loaded to Dagon’s gills with absolutely stunning illustrations courtesy of artist Kurt Komoda, that accompany the recipes. While these eerie etchings are a wonder to behold, yours cruelly did find it a bit odd that there are no actual photographs of the fearsome food at hand included in this tome.

I dare say Lovecraft aficionados will eat up The Necronomnomnom… literally, but this is actually a full functional cookbook as well so you ghoulish gourmands out there may want it to give it a go, even if you are unfamiliar with the author’s oeuvre!

Necronomnomnom: Recipes and Rites from the Lore of H. P. Lovecraft is available now from The Countryman Press, and can be obtained right here!


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