The world of “The Walking Dead” continues to expand with the series’ second spin-off “The Walking Dead: World Beyond” whose premiere is set for this April.
The new series’ 10-episode first season will center on two young women and the first generation to come-of-age in the zombie apocalypse.
“Two sisters along with two friends leave a place of safety and comfort to brave dangers, known and unknown, living and undead on an important quest. Pursued by those who wish to protect them and those who wish to harm them, a tale of growing up and transformation unfurls across dangerous terrain, challenging everything they know about the world, themselves and each other.”
Alexa Mansour, Nicolas Cantu, Hal Cumpston, Aliyah Royale, Julia Ormond, and Annet Mahendru star.
Unlike the original series, which feels like it will run forever, the spin-off will only reportedly only run for two seasons.
The first season of “The Walking Dead: World Beyond” premieres on AMC on Sunday, April 12, 2020, at 10 p.m. EST with each following episode airing at 9:00 p.m. EST on Sunday nights.