Predator 2 City Demon Action Figure Released By NECA

July 9, 2020

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

This thing looks amazing!

With Comic-con being held virtually, NECA has released a 7″ action figure that celebrated the 30th anniversary of ‘Predator 2’.

“This stealthy Predator is cast in clear plastic with lightning accents to capture his appearance climbing the towering buildings in 1990 Los Angeles. The figure features over 30 points of articulation, retractable wrist blades and articulated shoulder cannon. It comes with 5 interchangeable hands, discs, combi sticks, and a skull.”

“City Demon” will be available at Wal-Mart and online at The NECA Store on July 23.

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