Today, I’ll be reviewing writer-director Steven Kostanski’s absolutely insane 2020 movie PG: Psycho Goreman.
Matthew Ninaber, Kristen MacCulloch, and Rick Amsbury star in the film whose synopsis goes like this: “After unearthing a gem that controls an evil monster looking to destroy the Universe, a young girl and her brother use it to make him do their bidding.”
Right off to bat, and with both stars being kids, it did make me question who the target audience is meant to be. The dialogue comes across like it’s meant for an 8 to 12 years old demographic but is filled with people being brutally killed and turned into monstrous creatures. It’s too violent to be a children’s movie and is a bit immature for the adult crowd, in my opinion, leaving it in a kind of no man’s land.
Writer-director Steven Kostanski keeps things interesting from beginning to end with all types of craziness going on. And the plot was something new we haven’t seen a million times which is hard to accomplish these days it seems. So that’s a big plus.
While the movie is jammed packed with weirdness and is a bit goofy, it has enough blood and guts to satisfy any gorehound. Featuring a ton of practical, stop motion, and CGI, the special effects team has earned serious street cred.
I have to admit, I found the movie’s dialogue a bit annoying. As for the acting, it all felt forced and fake and way over the top, which very well may have been the goal.
I just could not get into this movie. But you may very well love it. You can find out on January 22, 2021, when it is released On Demand, and Digital, followed by its release on Shudder, from RLJE.