Top 10 Horror Books from 2020

December 30, 2020

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

10 – We Bleed Red and Green – Jeff C. Carter

This diverse, extremely entertaining collection is a New Christmas tradition for me.  Sick of all the Hallmark Christmas stories and a bit jaded from all the caroling?  Missing Halloween? Check this book out to get the horror back into Christmas.

9 – The Captivating Flame of Madness – Jeff Parsons

This is a great collection of short stories that have really deep, powerful plots.  If you don’t have enough time to really delve into a novel, check out this collection of novel-deep plots in short story packages.

8 – The Organ Thieves – Chip Jones

This investigative novel about the horrors of racism in American holidays and what essentially boils down to medical murder is terrifying.  Chip Jones explores the history of  this little-known dark history within the medical world and each interview and discovery is more heart-wrenching than the last.

7 – Seeds of the Dead – Andy Kumon and Gary Malick

A gory, horrific, fun ride through the world of corporate greed, zombies, and horror.  All I can say is that you should read this.  It is an absolute page-turner and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

6 – Grotesque – Lee Murray

This phenomenal collection of short stories is a thrilling ride through time and mythology.  Lee opens up new world of horror that are based on old legends and old terrors.

5 – Light Reapers: End of the World – Gary Hickman

Absolutely action packed (with a sequel on the way), this book follows a team of highly skilled soldiers who are in the fight of their lives against a terrorist-weaponized terrorist attack.

4 – Perish – L.C. Barlow

A sequel that follows life after a cult.  It is a perfect way to continue building on a story and characters and got me ready for the upcoming third book/conclusion to this gripping tale.

3 – Bleak Precision – Greg Chapman

If you are into no-holds-barred darkness and an atmosphere of dread, this is the short story collection for you.  Full of horror that hits deep into the darkest parts of the genre, these stories will stick with you.

2 – Pivot – L.C. Barlow

The beginning of a trilogy that has me eagerly waiting for the conclusion to get published.  This book set up a cult and a leader that truly terrifies.  It is an amazing blend of spiritualism, brain washing, magic, real emotions of fear and horror.  I can’t recommend it strongly enough.


Honorable Mentions  (They belong on this list, but I decided not to officially include stand-alone short stories)

A Seed in a Soil of Sorrow” (Kieth Anthony Baird)

The God in the Hills” (Jon Steffens).


1 – The Body Will Follow – Rob E. Boley

As I said in my review, this book was an absolute game-changer for me within the possession genre.  An extremely unique take on possession, demons and what happens in the world around those possessed, it left me wanting more…much more!

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