Supermassive Book Bundle Launches At Humble Bundle!

March 3, 2021

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

It’s that time of year where things are slow and boredom runs rampant. One good way to pass the time is to read a good book, but with it being hard (and potentially dangerous) to go out and look for books, why not just find a bunch of them in one place?

Today the Supermassive Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & Horror by Tachyon has gone live on Humble Bundle till the 27th (of March) where potential readers can have access or over 40 Ebooks that are valued at $441 but YOU decide how much you want to pay, there are four tiers that when you pay to unlock a certain number of Ebooks you can own ($1 = 4 books, $10+ = 8 books, $18+ = 11 books, $28+ = 24 books).
All proceeds for the Supermassive Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & Horror by Tachyon, like other bundles on the site, go towards charity, proceeds from this bundle will go towards the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Carl Brandon Society.
The sale is live now and goes till March 27th!

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