Season two of Netflix’s Emmy Award-winning adult animated anthology series “Love, Death & Robots,” which the streaming giant promises has an “edgy, mature vibe” for “Messed up adults,” premieres this May. The new trailer teases that the series will continue to feature the same trend of NSFW episodes that combine horror, sci-fi, and thought-provoking topics in a multitude of animated styles.
This season viewers will get eight new episodes that feature other worlds, giants, terrifying beasts, robots-gone bad, and more.
The series is executive produced by Tim Miller, David Fincher, Jennifer Miller, and Joshua Donen. Jennifer Yuh Nelson, who worked with Miller on Kung Fu Panda 2 and its sequel, has joined Season 2 as a director.
There’s more good news, “Love, Death & Robots” has already been renewed for its third season which will premiere in 2022.
Season two premieres exclusively on Netflix on May 14, 2020.