Short Film Review: Down the Rabbit Hole (2021)

May 17, 2021

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

Remember when I laid my eerie eyeballs on the genius puppet-centric short flick The Ghost of Weatherton Hall a few months back (if not head here for the revoltin’ review)?
Well, that film’s creator, Mark Dickinson is back (along with Fear Incorporated‘s William Westwater, who preforms excellent narration duties as well) with his latest nice slice of horror biz, Down the Rabbit Hole; a take on Lewis Carroll’s 1865 novel; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland!
Down the Rabbit Hole catches up with Alice as she finds herself deep within the nightmarish environs of London’s Bedlam Asylum for the Insane after a nervous breakdown related to a family tragedy.
To escape this hellish reality, Alice retreats to Wonderland… though that once vibrant and fantastic landscape has now become every bit as vile and wasted as Alice’s current location!
The reason for Wonderland’s current state is directly related to the Queen of Hearts sanity, or lack thereof, as she’s become power drunk and comes fully equipped with a bloodlust a mile long as well as corrupted magic!
Will Alice be able to set things right before her sanity slips away forever?
Comprised of the same gothic ambience as Dickinson’s other short, this film ups the hallucinogenic and the nightmarish a thousand fold. This is Alice taken into a dismal hell populated by creatures that were at their core completely batshit, but here they display a menace that really drives this take on the works of Carroll into near Clive Barker-esque territory and it’s a gloriously ghoulish affair indeed!
Be sure to head here for more information on when you can view Down the Rabbit Hole for yourself!

*Full disclosure, I have worked on a project with Dickinson in the past, but that didn’t influence this review ya beastly bastards!

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