Don Coscarelli Wants A ‘Phantasm’ Game

March 24, 2022

Written by Daniel S. Liuzzi

After the success of the Friday The 13th game and the growing hype for the upcoming Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Evil Dead games, it’s clear that the “Make cult films into video games” genre has found its market. Due to the sudden popularity, yesterday on Twitter, Don Coscarelli, the creative mind that brought us the 1979 cult film Phantasm has tweeted (see below) interest in the film to be made into a video game. The first film spawned four sequels and all follow characters thwarting the plans of the infamous Tall Man (Angus Scrimm), a mortician that turns the dead into zombie slaves who wields flying metal spheres that impale or drill in the heads of victims. Fingers crossed that a studio takes Coscarelli up on his offer and slides into his DMs!


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