The new twist-fuelled horror film Hell’s Half Acre, directed by John Patrick Tomasek (“Time Will Never Tell”), will be released worldwide this April from Terror Films.
Hells Half Acre centers on “Marcus as he leads his group of young urban explorers, Jessie, Dan, Jose, and Cassie, to abandoned locations for their popular YouTube channel “Strange and Abandoned Places” with the goal of gaining ratings and paid sponsors. However, they quickly discover that the abandoned Rockland Heights Prison is unlike any other location they’ve ever been to before, as strange things begin to occur almost immediately after their arrival. They discover they’re not alone as it becomes a fight for their survival against terrifying and dangerous paranormal demonic entities.
Quinn Nehr, Brynn Beveridge, and Omar Vegga Jr star in this Distant Star Films production, featuring an original score composed and produced by Ramesh Kumar Kannan and original songs and title score by VORE.
For as long as I can remember I have connected with film on a deeply personal level, enjoying the stories and messages going on an emotional ride with the hopes of one day telling such stories for audiences to connect with as I have.
This is and has been a lifelong passion of mine to create stories on paper and see them come to life. My vision for Hell’s Half Acre while Directing it is that I wanted the audience not to know what was coming next with some key plot twists, keeping them engaged and entertained. I also wanted the audience to connect with this group of young urban explorers that ultimately end up at an Abandoned prison completely unprepared for the evil awaiting them. My love for writing and creating characters then as Director, helping the actors become their characters and bringing them to life on screen is always rewarding to see.” Director John Patrick Tomasek says.
The haunting horror film Hell’s Half Acre is set to land on digital on April 28, 2023.