Unboxing And Review: 25 Foot Tall Michael Myers Inflatable

October 10, 2023

Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of HorrorFuel.com. She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email: horrorfuelinfo@gmail.com

Halloween is nearly upon us, and you know what that means: it is time to put up decorations. You know what they say, “Go big or go home,” well, this spooky season, I’m going big, real big. I snagged one of HalloweenCostumes.com‘s new, exclusive, twenty-five-foot-tall Michael Myers inflatables.



The inflatable has excellent details from the blood on his knife, shading in his hair and on his clothing, down to his fingers, which are not one piece but individually represented. This thing is awesome from the tips of his toes to the top of his head!


You may be wondering how easy the inflatable is to put up. It’s actually really easy. One person can do it, but two are recommended. The hardest part is getting him to stand up, but even that is relatively easy. The whole process took about 30 minutes, and fifteen minutes of that was waiting for it to inflate.


Some inflatables have obnoxiously loud air pumps; this one doesn’t. I could hear it standing beside him, but not from the street or inside my living room. I truly appreciate that. I have a four-foot-tall werewolf inflatable that’s much louder, which is surprising because of Michael’s size. You turn off the pump once it’s been set up, and you want to deflate it. Once it deflates, all you have to do to set it up again is to plug the pump back up. It’s a breeze.


I underestimated just how huge this thing was when I ordered it. But do I absolutely love it? Hell yeah! Is it worth its $700 price tag? Damn r, right it is! This thing is killer!


Watch the video below of the unboxing and the review, and watch as I walk you through the entire process of putting up the inflatable, which you can see from two streets over and absolutely dwarfs my house, which isn’t small. The neighbors gathered to watch us put it up. My cat Ripley even had to get in on the action. In the video, you’ll also see a picture of me with Michael that really puts the size of this thing in perspective.


You may be wondering what happens if it rains. I deflated Michael and covered the pump with a trash bag, and he lay in the yard while it rained for three days straight. Once the rain stopped, I plugged him back in, and he went up with no problem even though he was soaking wet.


Now, nothing is perfect. I do have one complaint about the inflatable. I would have liked to have had more lights so that its arms and its knife stood out more in the dark, like his face. I do plan to remedy that by putting a spotlight on it. Overall, I am so happy with it. I can’t wait to see the response of all the trick ‘r treaters on Halloween!


Order your Michael Myers inflatable, which comes in three sizes (8 ft, 15 ft, 25 ft), now from HalloweenCostumes.com! You won’t regret it!


The box includes:


  • The inflatable
  • An air pump
  • Stakes and tie-downs
  • Instructions



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