V/H/S/BEYOND, the seventh installment in the acclaimed horror anthology series, is set to plunge viewers into a sci-fi-inspired hellscape. This terrifying collection of six new bloodcurdling tapes will be available on Shudder this October.
The film boasts a talented roster of directors, including Jordan Downey (ThanksKilling), Christian Long, and Justin Long (Jeepers Creepers, Barbarian), Justin Martinez, a veteran of the V/HS franchise, Virat Pal (Recapture), and Kate Siegel (Hush and “The Haunting of Hill House”)
In addition to the anthology segments, V/H/S/BEYOND will feature a special presentation by Jay Cheel, the creator of the documentary series How to Build a Time Machine.
V/H/S/BEYOND promises to deliver a fresh, terrifying take on the found-footage horror genre. With its sci-fi elements and a diverse range of chilling tales, this installment will satisfy the series’ fans and horror enthusiasts alike.
Tune in to Shudder on October 4th and be ready to experience the horrors of V/H/S/BEYOND. Want more horror? Check out our list of everything coming to Shudder this September.