Prepare for a darkly comedic exploration of family dysfunction in A Halloween Feast as you witness a family dinner go horribly wrong.
Guile Branco directed the film, which was co-written by Branco and Arthur McClen. The film stars genre icon Lynn Lowry (Shivers, Crazies) as Angela Long, a former dancer whose seemingly erratic behavior throws her family into disarray.
After a particularly disastrous Halloween night dinner, the Long family descends into a hilarious whirlwind of chaos. Prepare for a wild ride involving a sadomasochistic power struggle, a questionable encounter with a dinosaur (real or imagined?), and the inevitable airing of dirty laundry.
A Halloween Feast promises a darkly comedic look at the complexities of family relationships. With a talented cast that includes Julia Coulter, Guile Branco, Lou D’Amato, Asia Lynn Pitts, and Pancho Moler, this film will leave you laughing uncomfortably.
Don’t miss this unconventional family horror comedy when it arrives on September 10th, 2024.